The volumes listed in this section contain a selection of papers presented at the Neurosciences and Music conferences, organized by the Mariani Foundation, with cooperation from the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS). These volumes have been published in the prestigious NYAS Annals.
The NYAS Annals is the oldest continuously published scientific serial in the United States and among the most cited of multidisciplinary scientific serials worldwide. Established in 1823, the Annals offers proceedings of conferences organized by NYAS and other scientific organizations, annual reviews in key topics, and selected invited volumes. A multimedia report on the Neuromusic III Conference, realized in cooperation with NYAS, is also available.
New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
Mutual interactions and implications on developmental function
The neurosciences and music
New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation
The neurosciences and music V